Index and Share CFDs
CFD are agreements between a buyer and a seller that stipulates that one needs to pay the other the difference between the current price of an asset and the price at the time the contract was entered into. CFD’s allow investors the opportunity to trade assets without having to own the underlying asset.Trade 2000+ popular Stocks including Tesla, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet Inc., Yahoo!, Berkshire Hathaway,, Netflix, and Facebook.
Trade indices from major global exchanges, including the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, Nasdaq Composite, Nikkei 225, Russell 2000, DAX30, BEL 20 and EURONEXT 100.
Dividends on Indices & EquitiesEquity and Index markets may be subject to a Dividend adjustment to reflect that the underlying asset will open at a lower level post dividend date. When a Corporate Action takes place from an individual stock which is constituent of a stock index, BLACKR Market will book the charge to the clients account to reflect the effect this corporate action has on the stock index. The dividend will be paid/charged on a timely basis the next day, however as we are dependent upon notification from an external third party.